Quick Start#

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from matplotlib import rcParams

rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = 100
rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 100
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import warnings

As a quick example, we show how to use riccati module to solve the Airy equation,

\[ u''(t) + tu(t) = 0, \]

on the interval \(t \in [1, 50]\), subject to the initial conditions \(u(1) = 1\), \(u'(1) = 0\). The equation takes the required form,

\[ u''(t) + 2\gamma(t)u'(t) + \omega^2(t)u(t) = 0, \]

with \(\gamma(t) = 0\) and \(\omega(t) = \sqrt{t}\).

First we import the necessary modules:

import numpy as np
import riccati

Then we need to define the problem by specifying the ODE coefficients, \(\omega(t)\) and \(\gamma(t)\) as callables, making sure that the result vectorises correctly:

w = lambda t: np.sqrt(t)
g = lambda t: np.zeros_like(t) # Make sure the result is vectorised!

We then define the ODE with solversetup. This is so that the same ODE can be solved repeatedly with different initial conditions or tolerance parameters, without overhead:

# Set up the solver
info = riccati.solversetup(w, g)

To fully nail down the solution, we need to define the integration range and initial conditions, which are the only strictly necessary parameters for the solver to run:

# Integration range
ti = 1e0
tf = 5e1
# Initial conditions
ui = 1.0
dui = 0.0

We’ll now give some optional parameters: we set the (local) relative tolerance, eps, and we ask the solver to produce output at intermediate points (as opposed to points the solver would naturally step to; called dense output) for visualisation:

# Relative tolerance (optional)
eps = 1e-12
# Dense output (optional)
t_eval = np.linspace(ti, tf, 800)

We are now ready to solve! Some of the outputs are not important for this example, so we store them together in misc.

ts, ys, *misc, y_eval = riccati.solve(info, ti, tf, ui, dui, eps = eps, xeval = t_eval)

Finally, we plot the output:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

plt.plot(t_eval, y_eval, label = "Dense output", color = 'k')
plt.plot(ts, ys, '.', label = "Internal step", color = 'C1')
plt.xlim(ti, tf)